
This section lists all scientific publications to date on OdourLock® litters and Blücare® granules. Some studies are only available in French.


Blücare® Technology

All about cats

How often should you change your cat litter?

Did you know that even when you clean your cat’s litter box daily to remove clumps, it’s not enough to guarantee optimum hygiene for your cat? In fact, it’s also

Can cat litter be flushed down the toilet?

When shopping for cat litter, you may find litters advertised as toilet flushable. While this concept may sound appealing, the reality is not quite so simple. In this article, we’ll

Risk factors for urinary tract disease and diabetes

Risk factors are characteristics which, when present, increase an individual’s likelihood of developing certain disorders. As with humans, increased surveillance is recommended for cats with certain risk factors. Here, we’ll

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