What precautions should pregnant women take when cleaning the litter box? The arrival of a baby is a time filled with excitement and happiness. However, it’s also crucial to take
This section lists all scientific publications to date on OdourLock® litters and Blücare® granules. Some studies are only available in French.
Veterinary approval for Intersand Group litter products
Blücare® Technology
Commercialized glucosarie product
- Diquélou A. et al., 2020, Reliability assessment of a novel home screening test for feline glucosuria
- Khenifar E. et al., 2020, Ex Vivo Sensitivity and robustness of a novel home-screening test for feline glucosaria
- Scherk M. et al., 2020 (upd_22), Detecting, diagnosing, and monitoring diabetes mellitus in cats
Commercialized hematuria product
- Gara-Boivin, 2018, Ex Vivo Sensitivity and robustness of a novel home-screening test for F.Hematuria
- Khenifar E. et al., 2018, Reliability assessment of a novel feline hematuria home screening test
- Khenifar E., 2019, Evaluation de l’utilité clinique d’une méthode de dépistage de l’hématurie féline (French)
- Scherk M. et al, 2018, Blücare granules
All about cats
Did you know that even when you clean your cat’s litter box daily to remove clumps, it’s not enough to guarantee optimum hygiene for your cat? In fact, it’s also
When shopping for cat litter, you may find litters advertised as toilet flushable. While this concept may sound appealing, the reality is not quite so simple. In this article, we’ll